Webinar Series

Empowering Today's Officers: 

Blended Learning with Advanced Training Tools





This 4-part webinar series explores the intersection of officer training and technology, offering insights to enhance training effectiveness for local police departments, law enforcement academies, and state, federal, and military agencies.

Session Details:

September 18, 2024

Effectively Design Online Training Programs for Law Enforcement

John Jacobs, Utah POST
Alivin Sowers, Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center

Join us as this panel shares invaluable strategies tailored to empower your agency in designing a robust blended training program. While acknowledging that online training cannot fully replace hands-on instruction, this session will highlight its immense value in enhancing retention, cost-efficiency, and training consistency. 

Whether you oversee a police academy, manage a POST organization, or lead federal, military, or local law enforcement training, this webinar promises actionable insights. 

Key discussion points include: 

  • Selecting high-quality, certified courses to enrich your training curriculum 
  • Leveraging online training effectively within your program's framework 
  • Harnessing technology to bolster a comprehensive blended training approach 

September 25, 2024

Utilizing Virtual Reality for Immersive Officer Training Experiences

Lon Bartel, Virtra
Doug Kazensky, Vector Solutions

Virtual reality (VR) training, particularly in law enforcement, federal government, and military contexts,  delivers intricate and lifelike simulations that replicate the complexities of real-world situations. It enables officers to engage in scenarios that closely mirror the challenges they may face in their roles.

In this session we delve into the compelling reasons to incorporate virtual reality simulations into your training program. They will also explore how your training management system can effectively track and record every simulation, ensuring comprehensive oversight and accountability within your agency. 

Join us as the panel discusses: 

  • The significant benefits and potential challenges of virtual training 
  • Diverse examples of virtual reality scenarios tailored to law enforcement and military training 
  • Practical tips for seamlessly integrating VR training into your existing programs 
  • Technological solutions to enhance virtual reality training efficacy at your agency 

October 9, 2024

Blending Online and In-Person Officer Training

Asst. Chief Lynette Falzone, Fort Lauderdale Police Department
Dianne Beer-Maxwell, IADLEST
Kerry Avery, Odin Training Solutions

In law enforcement, federal or military environments, there are a lot of moving parts. Certain tasks, such as hand-to-hand combat training, physical fitness standards, active shooter threat training, or driving instruction, must be carried out in a specialized environment. Others are best suited for in-person classrooms, while most knowledge topics lend themselves perfectly to the online environment. 

Combined, these various learning scenarios create a large blended-learning environment familiar to most first responders and military personnel and help address the challenge of providing large groups of decentralized groups with the proper training.  

In this session experts will discuss ways to develop and deliver a specialized, blended training program that will enhance knowledge retention, offer consistency between iterations, and create a unified training experience for officers. 

They will discuss: 

  • Advantages of a blended learning program 
  • Key components of an effective blended training program 
  • How to deliver, track, and evaluate a multi-format curriculum for maximum information retention 

October 30, 2024

Tech That Will Help Your Agency Move Away From Manual Processes

Lt. Eric Benson, Portsmouth Police Department
Sgt. T. J. Assion, Mahoning County Sheriff's Office

Doug Kazensky, Vector Solutions

In today’s rapidly evolving society, manual processes can hinder readiness for officers. Whether you’re using paper and filing cabinets or excel sheets to track training and certifications, paper and manual processes for your operations take extra time and manpower that law enforcement agencies simply don’t have. Purpose-built technology can help eliminate manual processes, remove administrative burdens, and better support officers in what they do best: protecting and serving our communities.

In the final webinar of our training series, explore how a training management system can help minimize manual processes, effectively deliver and track all types of training for officers and civilian employees, and completely transform your agency’s operations. 

They will discuss how to: 

  • Deliver accessible online training from anywhere 
  • Consolidate and track all training in one system including online, in-service, FTO/PTO, and academy 
  • Oversee all training requirements for mandates and certifications 
  • Build custom training tracks, system alerts, and reporting 


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Meet our Panelists

John Jacobs

Training Manager 

Alvin Sowers

Associate Director 
Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center

Doug Kazensky, Host

Solutions Engineer 
Vector Solutions

Lon Bartel

Customer Experience Principle Researcher 

Lynette Falzone

Assistant Chief of Police Operations Bureau
Fort Lauderdale Police Department

Dianne Beer-Maxwell

Program Manager 

Kerry Avery

Odin Solutions

Eric Benson

Portsmouth Police Department

T.J. Assion

Mahoning County Sheriff's Office