Active Bystander Intervention Training for College Students

Online Training for Your Campus Community

Build a Speak Up Culture & Prevent Sexual Assault on Campus

Bystander intervention training for college students is critical. While nearly all students express a desire to intervene in situations of harm, one third are not fully confident in their skills to take action. Educate your campus on the importance of being a proactive bystander and how to safely intervene when they witness assaultive behavior.

Bystander intervention training is one of the most effective ways to empower students, staff, and faculty to address and prevent harassment on campus. It goes beyond catchy slogans like "see something, say something" and provides learners with the tools to  help make your campuses safer.

Vector Solutions provides online bystander intervention training that uses immersive scenarios, skill-building interactions, and videos designed to engage your students and faculty/staff.

Request a product walk-through of our Vector Solutions' Sexual Assault Prevention Suite.

Hundreds of higher education institutions across the United States trust Vector Solutions and the Campus Prevention Network to deliver best-in-class sexual assault prevention training.


Manage Your Programs with Ease

Assign the right courses to the right student populations at the right time. Vector Solutions integrates with your learning management system for a seamless learner experience. Easily track completion data, and streamline essential reporting.


Lead with Data-First Bystander Intervention Training

Use our data insights to maximize the impact of campus-wide bystander intervention programs, and identify learner populations that need support in real-time. Plus our annual Impact Reports - provided for each Campus Prevention Network course in-use - offer actionable recommendations and benchmark your bystander intervention efforts against peer institutions.


"If unaddressed, these challenges erode our community fabric and impede academic success. By teaching critical life skills in tandem with academic preparation, we prepare our students to succeed both now and in the future. At Williams James College, we know actions are stronger than words and that's why we're intentional about our efforts to strengthen the well-being of our entire community" 

Gloria Noronha | Director of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
William James College

Vector Solutions is trusted by 2,000 colleges and universities nationwide.


Let us help you meet your bystander intervention training needs and support a healthy campus culture.

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