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Performance and Conduct Management Tool for Law Enforcement Leaders

Early intervention and performance management software that offers tools your supervisors need to provide consistent feedback, document all noteworthy performance, and defend personnel decisions.

Deploy an Early Intervention System

Empower Positive Recognition

Promote Officer Wellness

Improve Performance Reviews

Provide Standardized and Consistent Feedback

Meet CJIS requirements with advanced CJIS compliance security settings

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Early intervention and performance management software that offers tools your supervisors need to provide consistent feedback, document all noteworthy performance, and defend personnel decisions.

Deploy an Early Intervention System

Empower Positive Recognition

Promote Officer Wellness

Improve Performance Reviews

Provide Standardized and Consistent Feedback

Meet CJIS requirements with advanced CJIS compliance security settings

Trusted by 10,000+ Industry Leaders


Deploy an early intervention system

Get a full picture of employee performance through consistent feedback that helps your agency intervene when needed.

Empower Positive Recognition

Standardize the recognition process to help identify good prospects for promotions and leadership opportunities.

Promote Officer Wellness

Document critical incident exposures, minimize burnout and retain employees for longer by promoting mental wellness.

Improve Performance Reviews

Ensure that kudos and positive comments from supervisors, peers, and members of the public are recorded in personnel files.

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