Vector Solutions Offers Valuable Resources to Combat Firefighter Cancer in 2025
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) estimates firefighters have a 14 percent higher risk of cancer-related death than the general population. Ensuring your crew has the information it needs to reduce risks is critical. That’s why Vector Solutions is making its NFPA 1851 Firefighter Cancer Awareness training course free during January’s Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month, in addition to offering a special three-part webinar series that will benefit the Firefighter Cancer Support Network.
The Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month Webinar Series: Sponsored by Vector Solutions
Vector Solutions was proud to work with Fire Engineering to present this three-part webinar series supporting firefighter cancer awareness and prevention during Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month. For every webinar registration during the series, Vector Solutions donated $5 to the Firefighter Cancer Support Network.
Webinar No. 1
Exploring the Latest Advances in Firefighter Occupational Cancer Research
On-Demand Webinar
This webinar covers the following:
✔ The science around occupational cancer in the fire service
✔ The latest research on men and women’s health and new screening recommendations for early detection
✔ Tips for turnout gear testing, as well as best practices for prevention
Leading Presenter:
Chief Todd LeDuc (Ret.)
Deputy CEO of LifeScan Wellness Centers
Webinar No. 2
Improving Firefighter Cancer Awareness to Decrease Risk and Increase Prevention
On-Demand Webinar
This webinar covers the following:
✔ Tools and strategies to help reduce cancer risk within your fire department
✔ Key steps you can take to enhance your department’s approach to cancer prevention and awareness
✔ How to leverage Vector Solutions to educate personnel on firefighter cancer risks
Leading Presenter:
Chief Robbi King (Ret.)
Director of Solutions Engineer at Vector Solutions
Webinar No. 3
Best Practices for Managing PPE Inspections to Help Meet NFPA Standards
On-Demand Webinar
This webinar covers the following:
✔ The unexpected risks from carcinogens after emergencies conclude
✔ The need for thoroughly inspecting and cleaning PPE to ensure proper protection
✔ How to leverage Vector Check It to manage critical inspections to help meet NFPA 1851 standards
Leading Presenter:
Chief Matt Shronts (Ret.)
Solutions Engineer Manager at Vector Solutions
Free Online Training During Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month from Vector Solutions
Firefighting is a dangerous profession – not only on the fireground where the risks are obvious. Cancer and PTSD are well-known threats for first responders. To help the fire service reduce their health risks and raise awareness, Vector Solutions is making two of its most important NFPA training courses free of charge.
♦ NFPA 1851: Cancer-Related Risks of Firefighting
♦ NFPA 1500: PTSD in the Fire Industry
These two online video-based courses are written to NFPA standards and feature engaging interactions, real-life case studies, and critical lessons and prevention strategies.

“The Firefighter Cancer Support Network is excited to continue working with Vector Solutions. By offering these two important NFPA courses free of charge, more fire service professionals will have access to additional support, education, and the tools necessary to guide their life-saving protocols. Departments can better tackle cancer prevention head-on while also supporting those who have received a cancer diagnosis.”
Firefighter Cancer Support Network
Firefighter Cancer Awareness, Prevention, and Early Detection On and Off the Fireground

The rising awareness of cancer as an occupational hazard for firefighters has galvanized the fire service community to focus on prevention, mitigation, and support.
Understanding the dangers of prolonged chemical exposure, the importance of proper PPE care, and the necessity of advanced health screenings are essential for fire leaders who want to protect their crews and reduce cancer risks.
Check out our new blog where we explore the latest findings and the steps your department can take to help combat firefighter cancer.