Congratulations! You've Earned The CPN Seal of Prevention™

This honor recognizes your outstanding digital prevention work and campus contributions related to safety, wellness, and inclusion. Students who are safer and feel more attached to their institution are much more likely to thrive in their time on campus and beyond. Plus prospective students and their families are asking more of their institutions of choice around these key topics.

Share this resource with your marketing and enrollment teams, and get ready to share your news!


Highlight the Seal in Your Promotional Materials

Add the CPN Seal award to your promotional materials. Easily update your website, especially areas that highlight campus resources or programming related to health, wellness, or inclusion.

Consider on-campus signage or collateral to promote supportive facilities or reinforce messaging from your digital prevention programming. The Seal can make for a great talking point during campus tours!

Download the CPN Seal

Announce the News to Your Community

Be sure to let your internal faculty and staff know about this honor. Plus keep prospective and incoming students up-to-date on your commitment to safety, well-being, and inclusion – the social justice issues they care about most. These communication templates make it easy for you to provide your President or Chancellor with ready-to-use messaging that can easily be customized to your institution’s brand.

Screen Shot 2021-08-13 at 11.03.42 AM

Internal Staff Announcement

Template to Faculty & Staff

Friends on campus

Current Student Announcement

Template to Current Students

College Kids Studying Outside

Prospective Student Announcement

Template to Prospective Students


Keep Media Informed On Your Efforts

Create a press release to alert local media outlets about your outstanding achievement of the CPN Seal of Prevention. Online programming helps strengthen and scale student life initiatives related to health and safety, well-being, and inclusion, setting your students up to thrive in their time on campus and beyond. Make sure your broader campus community is connected to the impacts of the work you’re doing!

Download the press release template

Note: Please do not distribute your press release before Thursday, February 23rd.


Share Your Achievement on Social Media

Help current students, faculty, and staff amplify your achievement by sharing on social media. Plus, engage your followers with news that demonstrates your clear commitment to promoting student health and safety, wellness, and campus inclusion. You can download both template images optimized for use on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram as well as copy you can customize to fit your institution's brand.

Download Social Media Graphics 

Download Social Copy

Note: Please do not post to social media before Thursday, February 23rd.

You’re ready to get started!

Congrats again on this incredible honor! Find out more about additional promotional benefits from our partnership with Parchment, and learn how the CPN Seal of Prevention will help institutions codify and message their commitments to safety, well-being, and inclusion.